Sunday, November 1, 2009

Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society Reflection

As I reflect on what I have learned about technology and its many uses in the classroom, I understand that this is the future of education. I am embracing the knowledge of blogs, podcasts and wikis. I am slowly integrating these technologies in my classroom. By surveying my students and the experience of raising a teenager myself, I know that technology is what moves teenagers today. I need to use this knowledge to reach more students.

While I still consider myself new to the teaching profession (5 years), I have gone from the teacher-centered class to more learner-centered. I had my classroom arranged with rows of desks which gave no opportunities for group collaboration to small groups (had groups of 3 last year, this year groups of 4) that give rise to student led discussions. My students help each other with concepts. This also helps me when students have questions. I can address a small group at one time rather than individually which can be more time consuming. I still have problems getting students to come to the white board. I get excited when a video clip that I downloaded into a flipchart opens and plays. I feel my students do enjoy the change from direct instruction. We can use the computer cart to do internet connection activities that also create that learner-centered environment.

As I increase the use of blogs, podcasts, and wikis, I feel I will give students more opportunities to acquire information. Not only can it be a way for students who are absent from class to obtain the information they missed, but it can be a way to increase the critical thinking skills our students need to increase achievement. I am hoping to have students comment to my blog postings and to their classmates. I would like to see projects uploaded to a wiki that grow from simple text-based to either video presentations or voice podcasts.

Over the course of the next year or two, I would like to be able to use the computers almost every day having a classroom site that the students can find their assignments. I would like to have the students create their own class study guide which could then be used to prepare for the final and future classes. These guides would include video clips, discussion posts, and podcasts. An obstacle I can envision is keeping the students interested in using the computers for the math projects. Another obstacle is the volume of computers available at one time. As more teachers begin to use computers in their lessons or for research-based projects, availability may become an issue.

I have learned so much and am excited to create an iMovie of the senior Homecoming court with background music. I was anxious to show my students the survey project that they contributed not only the survey itself, but I had students on the podcast. I would not have imagined myself being able to use any of these techie things before now.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Profiling the Students of Today

"Not all schools are the same. Not all classrooms are the same. And the student populations that fill our classrooms certainly are not the same. While it is important to know and understand how students nationwide are changing, it is most important that you understand the learners in your own classroom." (Smith, 2009) This is a video created using GarageBand, PowerPoint, and iMovie reporting the demographic profile of 51 students throughout three math classes. The voices are three of the students that were surveyed being interviewed by me.

The video is also on YouTube. Profiling the Students of Today - a technology/media survey

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Building 21st Century Skills

The partnership for 21st Century Skills is an organization that "brings together the business community, education leaders, and policymakers to define a powerful vision for 21st century education to ensure every child's success as citizens and workers in the 21st century. The Partnership encourages schools, districts and states to advocate for the infusion of 21st century skills into education and provides tools and resources to help facilitate and drive change". The website outlines the skills framework, the participating state initiatives, and online tools and resources.

I am always interested in finding more resources, and Route 21 does not disappoint. It has snapshots of
examples and videos of 21st century skills put in action.

It is my responsibility as a contemporary educator to implement these new practices that engage and motivate more students so they are prepared for 21st jobs.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Video Tutors

Today, I had a flipchart on writing linear equations specifically in point-slope form and I had linked video tutoring lessons from Pearson. It was exciting to see the video pop-up and work through problems. I think the kids enjoyed have someone else's voice talking to them rather than me. Part of the instruction from me was to take notes as needed and we worked on the problem when the video stopped and instructed us to do so. My students think I'm a little crazy because I was so excited when the video actually played. I'm looking forward to linked to other videos for my students to learn from.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Utilizing Blogs in the Classroom

I teach High School Math so it would be difficult to utilize blogs for answering specific problems since the students could just copy each other responses, but that doesn't mean that a blog wouldn't be beneficial. I created a classroom blog last year, Ms Wood's Blog, late in the year to have students post their opinions about my classes as a way to inform the next year's students. The students didn't have accounts so they had to post under my account, but it was a way I was trying to utilize technology and they enjoyed the opportunity. So creating a classroom blog as an information tool rather than a website we give students the chance to ask and answer classroom questions either about content or procedures.
As I think about what other ways a blog can be utilized, especially in Algebra 2, it brings to mind all the testing that occurs. The kids have PSSAs (Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessment) that require a lot of preparation. The blog could have sample questions that they would have access to anywhere there is a computer. A posting with a sample constructed response question and scored responses would give students an idea of how they should be responding to those type of questions. A solution to the question isn't always enough, but they need to explain the how part.
SATs are another sample that could be posted on a blog. They could post their own questions about how to solve problems. A lot of times we do not always have the time to cover every little detail with the curriculum pace that the district places on us. Plus, students are not always likely to ask for help, so by having the opportunity to post on a blog may take that anxiety issue or fear of feeling "stupid" out of their minds...and another student may well know the answer.
I welcome some other suggestions as Math always seems to be a tough class to integrate anything other than calculators. I have done a webquest and will do it again this year, but that doesn't necessarily utilize blogging.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Too Much Maleness in Class....HELP!!!

As mentioned in my first post, I have a Promethean board in my classroom. I use it to generate flipcharts or download from the website. I welcome some suggestions to make it more interactive for my students. I know there are games such as Jeopardy and Hot Seat available for download. Has anyone ever tried them in a HS Math class? I have an Algebra 2 class that is almost all boys (24 boys 4 girls). Don't you pity those poor girls? And the class is late in the day. They need to be more mobile and I would love to act on that competitiveness that most boys have.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Welcome to My New Blog

Welcome to my new Blog.
I tried a blog for my class room just to get started something new last year ( The kids did not have accounts so they ended up putting posts through my email. At least they put up posts.
So as I start this blog I hope to get some ideas about integrating technology in the class room. I have a Promethean board so I am one step closer, but still several steps back. I look forward to some comments.
Happy Blogging!!!