Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

I am finding it difficult to focus my attention on my GAME plan during the summer months. I have created an unpublished site that originally wanted to use as a class site. I liked the comment page from the templates that would enable parents to contact me relatively easily. I have read Diane Young's Blog Week Four Game Plan Update and she mentioned Google sites. I completely forgot about this option. I have even used it to create a site for SPHS Class of 2010 to try help the seniors keep up-to-date about important information and events. I decided to create a Google site also. I am not sure which option I will implement between the wikispace, wix, and Google sites. When I review my plan, a goal of mine is to communicate with parents. I have to evaluate each of these to decide which will be the best method for communicating with parents...and the easiest.

Once we have access to our laptop carts, I can include the lessons about validating websites, search engines and citing sources. I can use a wiki, wix, or Google site for informing students and parents about our class. BUT...A question that has arisen now is how will I include these lessons while still covering content so I do not get behind in the curriculum before I even get started?

I am not going to adjust my plan...just need to figure out when and where to implement it?


  1. Hi Teresa,

    This is a difficult assignment and not one I would have created for the summer months. Evaluating your GAME plan is best done after it has been tested. I agree with, if there was diligence in creating the plan in the first place, based upon what assessment and what outcomes can it be evaluated. Very difficult!

    If its any help, I do have a School Racks site that is my WEB page and I encourage students and parents to contact me through it an that works well. I also provided bimonthly feedback to my parents using an on-line report card system and that help keep the lines of communication open. If your school does not provide digital reporting I would recommend EasyGrade Pro. It is by far the best assessment reporting tool.

  2. Teresa,

    It seems that quite a lot of us are having difficulty applying our GAME plan over summer break; so you are not alone. While I feel much the same way, I do find value in the foresight that we are gaining for the upcoming school year. It sounds like you are making some progress in becoming familiar with new tools and resources that you will be able to apply. This process can be just as meaningful! I really like the idea of the blog that you set up, giving relevant information for seniors at your school. I may utilize our county software and integrate similar messages for my students on Black Board. Does your county have this type of Black Board tool, where you could give parents their own access to the information you post? What about the electronic grading software, where you can send mass grade reports over email on a frequent basis?

    Best of luck as you continue your progress!

    Kelly H.

  3. I couldn’t agree more that this has been a time consuming and difficult activity over the summer months. I also share the same sentiment as John that this would be best completed during school at a better time for revision. I have am running into a similar problem in regards to a webpage as well. I know some schools host webpages for their teachers, some host blogs, other require teachers to support it themselves. I have discussion forums set up for my students, but not a formal webpage. I would like to implement one, but am having difficulty in deciding which type to implement. My hope is to have the decision made and the page setup before school starts within the next two weeks.

    Jeffrey H.
